Day 14- Last Stand

Night falls over the Gnomic city and the inhabitants sleep in their beds in blissful ignorance of the threat building below.

Having fought their way to the great wall which surrounds the outskirts of the city, the Cavern Guards await reinforcements and orders. Jietna, the guild responsible for balancing sound energy, has installed communication tubes in a guard room along the wall. Here the Gnomes can inform their officers of what has happened and endure the long wait whilst their superiors deliberate.


For a partial victory at least one Gnome must survive 12 turns on the board. For a full victory within this 12 turns at least one Gnome must make it to the room with the Jietna Lion symbol on the floor. If there are no Gnomes surviving before the end of the 12th turn they lose. Count a turn as finished when every model on the board has taken its individual turn.

The Sentries’ path is indicated by the green line. When they reach the end of the path the Sentries just turn on the spot and move back along it.

The Guard’s Ward is the Archway it is stood next to.

The Gnomes all have keys to the Reinforced Door.