Day 9- Special Weapons
All weapons are equal, but some are more equal than others.
Just as the real-world function of a spear is different to that of an axe so different weapons have special effects in-game. So far we have ignored what weapon the models are armed with but from now on you will be able to choose what weapon you arm each of your models with. When selecting weapons for a game you can arm a model with any of the listed types of weapon provided you have a model showing the correct weapon.

The first Specialist Weapon is the Axe, just like the one the Gnome in today’s window is wielding. An Axe is swung in an arc and the weight of the head can carry a blow through one enemy and into another. If a model using an Axe wins a fight they select one Attack Dice as usual to apply to their initial opponent. They can then select a second dice (if available) to apply to an enemy model in a space to either side of their first enemy. This means that a model with an Axe can indirectly hit enemies diagonally, it still can’t Take a Swing at a model diagonally adjacent.
In the example below if the Gnome successfully attacks the Goblin and has at least one Attack Dice left over they can pick one of the remaining Attack Dice to apply to a model in either of the red squares beside the original target.

In the fight we looked at last week the Gnome won with a 1, 2 and 4 dice to choose from. If armed with an Axe it could Floor (4) the original opponent and Git Shot (1) an enemy in an adjacent space.