Day 7- First Confrontation
Now you have everything you need to play the first adventure! Every adventure will be laid out in the same fashion but will contain its own particular challenges. An introductory passage gives you the story so far, the map shows how to lay out the game board and some notes tell you more specifics. Each adventure also contains a print-ready version.
These adventures are configured to present a challenge for solo play. For an ‘easier’ setting you may remove one Goblin from the adventure for each Gnome.
To start the adventure place the doors and sconce tokens on the board as shown on the map. Place the Gnome in the big room where the symbol indicates his starting point. Now read the introduction and notes. You’re ready to play!

A lone Cavern Guard makes his regular patrol of the passages and rooms far from the comfortable city of the Gnomes. It’s a route he has taken a thousand times before and he has never encountered any trouble. But today is different. As he checks one of the store rooms the sound of wild howls fades into hearing. Something has stirred up the Goblins, and they’re heading his way!

The Cavern Guard must attempt to escape by moving over the arrow pointing off the board in the bottom left.
After each of the models on the board have taken a turn place a Goblin model on the space indicated by the arrow bottom right. If there are no models left do not place a Goblin. Should a Goblin be killed place it back on the board at the entry space at the end of that turn.
All Goblins in this adventure are in Marauder mode.
The Gnome has a key which will enable him to lock the Reinforced Door.